* यहूदियों ने इस्लाम को बदनाम करने के लिये इंटरनेट पर कुछ फर्जी वेबसाइट्स विकसित किया है,
* जहाँ कुरान और हदीस के नाम पर गलत जानकारियां प्रसार कर मुस्लिम और गैर मुस्लिम लोगों को गुमराह करने की कोशिश चल रही है,
* और सबके दिलों में इस्लाम के खिलाफ नफरत फैलाने कि ॥साजिश॥ चल रही है।
* इनमें से ये कुछ फर्जी वेबसाइट॥
www.answering-i slam.org
www.thequran.co m
www.Allah_assur ance.com
ये कुछ उदाहरण है।
क्योंकि धर्म के नाम पर ऐसे और लाखों साइट्स है।
क्योंकि धर्म के नाम पर ऐसे और लाखों साइट्स है।
* गौरतलब है कि अब तक मजहब के नाम पर इंटरनेट पर "4 लाख वेबसाइट्स" है
पर आपको ये जानकर हैरानी होगी कि,
पर आपको ये जानकर हैरानी होगी कि,
* इन "4 लाख वेबसाइट्स" में से
"2लाख वेबसाइट्स" सिर्फ इन ईसाई और यहुदीयों के है जो,
"2लाख वेबसाइट्स" सिर्फ इन ईसाई और यहुदीयों के है जो,
* मुसलमानों के नाम पर
* कुरान के नाम पर
* बुखारी के नाम पर
* हदीस के नाम पर
* तर्जुमा के नाम पर
* फिकह के नाम पर
"2 लाख वेबसाइट्स" खोल रखे हैं,
* जिसके जरिए से लोगों को गलत जानकारी देकर गुमराह किया जा रहा है,
* और कुरआन की आयतों का गलत तर्जुमा बता कर उनके जेहनों को तबाह व बर्बाद किया जा रहा है।
*** इसलिए बेहतर होगा कि, हम लोग "उलमा" से जुड़े रहे !!
** इस्लाम को जानने और समझने के लिए मुसलमानों को ना देखें और
** इन "फेक मजहबी वेबसाइट्स" से दूर रहें, और ज्यादा से ज्यादा मजहबी किताबें पढ़े।
** हुन्दुस्तान भर के सभी मुसलमान और
गैरमुसलमानों को इस्लाम के बारे में गलत जानकारियां मिलने से
गैरमुसलमानों को इस्लाम के बारे में गलत जानकारियां मिलने से
** "सऊदी अरब में इन वेबसाइट्स को ब्लोक (Block) किया जा चुका है।"
Muslims Please Beware Of These So-called Islamic websites!
Salam brothers and sisters in faith.
Please beware of sites listed below. The sites have been de eloped by enemies of Islam to spread wrong information about Islam, Quran, Hadith.
Endeavor to check the authenticity and source of any purported Islamic websites before reading through
Below are some of anti-Islamic websites
List of anti Islaamic sites and Exposé of 3 sites posting false convert stories
Exposé of three sites posting false convert stories
1. http://www.islamreview.com
This site has posted fake stories of how Muslims converted to Christianity. How do I know? Read the following excerpt from one of the stories:
First the 'convert' says: (emphasis added)
In the end, I managed to convince my mother, as it was for Allah and I joined the Islamic College. Having graduated as an ustaz, I was soon posted to my neighbourhood…
And then:
My trip to Mecca for the Haj (pilgrimage) was tiring but eventful. I did not have the rare opportunity to see inside the holy Kabah and the holy idols inside, which Prophet Muhammud had helped to place, as explained in Bukhari’s Hadith
An Ustaz (scholar) in Islaamic Studies is saying that there are idols inside the Kabah and that too placed by Muhammad (saw) himself!?!?!
This clearly shows that the author is deliberately trying to spread misinformation about Islaam and wants to convey to possible reverts to Islaam that it is religion of idol worship.
In fact most of the Christian sites use this tactic of false convert stories but it's not always possible to prove it
2. http://www.faithfreedom.org/
AlhamduliLlaah I was able to catch another site posting fake stories of Muslims leaving Islaam. See the false information imparted here. That the attempt is deliberate is known through the claim that the 'convert' has done detailed study about the topic.
For Islamic Education, I had to study about marriage in detail to do well. So, I learnt all the stuff and got the highest grade anyone can get for Islamic Education. And guess what? Because I know it so well, I know that there is a lot of discrimination against women in Islam. Things like a father and grandfather can marry a girl/woman to whomever they want even if the girl/woman doesn’t want to marry that person… In addition, I learned things like women couldn’t be witnesses in Syariah Courts and things like that
The first point here is a total lie whereas the second is a distorted version of the truth.
3. http://www.answering-islam.org/Testimonies/younathan.html
Here's yet another extract from a false convert story aimed at spreading misinformation about Islaam.
As I started thinking about my life and the Quran, I realized all Muslims, even the prophet Muhammad, would go to Hell for certain sins they committed in their lifetime.
This is a common ploy of the Christian Missionaries. They first inform gullible victims that Jesus (God) is Love and just by believing in the Crucifixion, you will be assured of Paradise. Whereas the concept of God in Islaam is so harsh that no one will be spared from Hell and that even Prophet Muhammad (saw) was not sure of where he would end up. For this purpose they quote an ayat of the Qur'aan out of context. Here there have gone a step further by saying that even our beloved Prophet (saw) would have to go through hell. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Anti Islaamic Sites under misleading names
4. http://www.muslimhope.com/
5. http://www.islameyat.com/
6. http://www.islamreview.com
7. http://www.muhammadanism.com/
8. http://thespiritofislam.com/index.html
9. http://www.abrahamic-faith.com/
10. http://www.gnfcw.com/
11. http://www.knowislam.info/drupal/mno
12. http://www.homa.org/
13. http://www.thequran.com
14. http://www.Allahassurance.com
15. http://www.mosque.com
16. http://thespiritofislam.com/index.html
17. http://www.newislam.org/
Anti Islaamic Sites apparent even by name
18. http://www.islam-exposed.org/
19. http://answering-islam.org.uk/
20. http://www.answeringinfidels.com
21. http://www.islamundressed.com/
22. http://www.studytoanswer.net/myths_ch1.html
23. http://www.challenging-islam.org/submissions/shariah.htm
24. www.answering-islam.org
25. http://www.islamundressed.com
26. http://www.exmuslim.com/
27. http://www.answeringinfidels.com
28. http://www.gnfcw.com/
29. http://www.dhimmi.com/
30. http://www.chick.com/information/religions/islam/
31. http://www.acage.org/
32. http://www.apostatesofislam.com/
33. http://www.secularislam.org/
34. http://www.muslim-refusenik.com/
35. http://www.icapi.org/
36. http://www.hesetsfree.org/
37. http://www.letusreason.org/Islamdir.htm
38. http://www.kafirnation.com/
39. http://www.jihadwatch.org
40. http://www.anti-cair-net.org/
41. http://apostatesofislam.com/
42. http://challenging-islam.org/
Please beware of sites listed below. The sites have been de eloped by enemies of Islam to spread wrong information about Islam, Quran, Hadith.
Endeavor to check the authenticity and source of any purported Islamic websites before reading through
Below are some of anti-Islamic websites
List of anti Islaamic sites and Exposé of 3 sites posting false convert stories
Exposé of three sites posting false convert stories
1. http://www.islamreview.com
This site has posted fake stories of how Muslims converted to Christianity. How do I know? Read the following excerpt from one of the stories:
First the 'convert' says: (emphasis added)
In the end, I managed to convince my mother, as it was for Allah and I joined the Islamic College. Having graduated as an ustaz, I was soon posted to my neighbourhood…
And then:
My trip to Mecca for the Haj (pilgrimage) was tiring but eventful. I did not have the rare opportunity to see inside the holy Kabah and the holy idols inside, which Prophet Muhammud had helped to place, as explained in Bukhari’s Hadith
An Ustaz (scholar) in Islaamic Studies is saying that there are idols inside the Kabah and that too placed by Muhammad (saw) himself!?!?!
This clearly shows that the author is deliberately trying to spread misinformation about Islaam and wants to convey to possible reverts to Islaam that it is religion of idol worship.
In fact most of the Christian sites use this tactic of false convert stories but it's not always possible to prove it
2. http://www.faithfreedom.org/
AlhamduliLlaah I was able to catch another site posting fake stories of Muslims leaving Islaam. See the false information imparted here. That the attempt is deliberate is known through the claim that the 'convert' has done detailed study about the topic.
For Islamic Education, I had to study about marriage in detail to do well. So, I learnt all the stuff and got the highest grade anyone can get for Islamic Education. And guess what? Because I know it so well, I know that there is a lot of discrimination against women in Islam. Things like a father and grandfather can marry a girl/woman to whomever they want even if the girl/woman doesn’t want to marry that person… In addition, I learned things like women couldn’t be witnesses in Syariah Courts and things like that
The first point here is a total lie whereas the second is a distorted version of the truth.
3. http://www.answering-islam.org/Testimonies/younathan.html
Here's yet another extract from a false convert story aimed at spreading misinformation about Islaam.
As I started thinking about my life and the Quran, I realized all Muslims, even the prophet Muhammad, would go to Hell for certain sins they committed in their lifetime.
This is a common ploy of the Christian Missionaries. They first inform gullible victims that Jesus (God) is Love and just by believing in the Crucifixion, you will be assured of Paradise. Whereas the concept of God in Islaam is so harsh that no one will be spared from Hell and that even Prophet Muhammad (saw) was not sure of where he would end up. For this purpose they quote an ayat of the Qur'aan out of context. Here there have gone a step further by saying that even our beloved Prophet (saw) would have to go through hell. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Anti Islaamic Sites under misleading names
4. http://www.muslimhope.com/
5. http://www.islameyat.com/
6. http://www.islamreview.com
7. http://www.muhammadanism.com/
8. http://thespiritofislam.com/index.html
9. http://www.abrahamic-faith.com/
10. http://www.gnfcw.com/
11. http://www.knowislam.info/drupal/mno
12. http://www.homa.org/
13. http://www.thequran.com
14. http://www.Allahassurance.com
15. http://www.mosque.com
16. http://thespiritofislam.com/index.html
17. http://www.newislam.org/
Anti Islaamic Sites apparent even by name
18. http://www.islam-exposed.org/
19. http://answering-islam.org.uk/
20. http://www.answeringinfidels.com
21. http://www.islamundressed.com/
22. http://www.studytoanswer.net/myths_ch1.html
23. http://www.challenging-islam.org/submissions/shariah.htm
24. www.answering-islam.org
25. http://www.islamundressed.com
26. http://www.exmuslim.com/
27. http://www.answeringinfidels.com
28. http://www.gnfcw.com/
29. http://www.dhimmi.com/
30. http://www.chick.com/information/religions/islam/
31. http://www.acage.org/
32. http://www.apostatesofislam.com/
33. http://www.secularislam.org/
34. http://www.muslim-refusenik.com/
35. http://www.icapi.org/
36. http://www.hesetsfree.org/
37. http://www.letusreason.org/Islamdir.htm
38. http://www.kafirnation.com/
39. http://www.jihadwatch.org
40. http://www.anti-cair-net.org/
41. http://apostatesofislam.com/
42. http://challenging-islam.org/
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